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Destinations to See and Things to Do in Janakpur

Janakpur, the gateway to Mithila, a land steeped in ancient history and Maithil culture that dates back nearly 12,000 years to the Treta Yug era. This revered city served as the capital of the illustrious Hindu kingdom of Mithila, a place of great significance during that bygone era.

Janakpur holds a profound place in Hindu mythology as the birthplace of Sita (Janaki) and the sacred site where the divine wedding ceremony of Sita and Ram took place. These two central characters of the legendary Hindu epic, Ramayan, have forever etched their mark on the hearts of millions.

Named after the legendary King Janak, Janakpur has evolved into a prominent pilgrimage destination for Hindus. The city not only boasts religious importance but also serves as a thriving centre for the revival of ancient Mithila art and craft, preserving the cultural heritage of the region.

Nestled amidst the embrace of rivers like Dudhmati, Jalad, Rato, Balan, and Kamala, Janakpur boasts a rich natural landscape and is renowned for its temples and tranquil ponds. It is a city that reverberates with spiritual energy and cultural charm.

The languages spoken in this vibrant region include Maithili, Nepali, Hindi, Bhojpuri, and Awadhi, creating a diverse linguistic tapestry that reflects the rich cultural heritage of Janakpur.

The people of Janakpur enthusiastically celebrate a myriad of festivals throughout the year. Vivah Panchami, Ram Navami, Holi, Vijaya Dashami, Deepawali, and Chhat are some of the major festivals that add to the city’s vibrant atmosphere.

As you immerse yourself in the tapestry of history, culture, and spirituality that Janakpur offers, you’ll find a city that echoes with the ancient past, where mythology and reality blend seamlessly, leaving an indelible impression on the hearts of all who visit.

Janaki Temple Janakpur

Janaki temple Janakpur 1 janakpur Destinations to See and Things to Do in Janakpur

Immerse yourself in the divine presence of Goddess Sita at Janaki Mandir, the grandest temple in Nepal, nestled in the heart of Janakpur. This sacred site holds deep religious significance as it marks the very birthplace of Goddess Sita, a revered figure from the epic Ramayana. Despite its historical importance, Janaki Mandir remains a vibrant and active place of worship, welcoming devoted pilgrims from all walks of life.

The architectural marvel of Janaki Mandir exemplifies the exquisite Hindu-Koiri Nepali style, featuring a breathtaking white facade that exudes a sense of serenity and purity. The three-storied temple stands as a testament to the craftsmanship of its creators, crafted entirely from stones and marbles. As you step inside, you’ll be mesmerized by the intricately adorned 60 rooms, adorned with the Nepali flag, intricate engravings, captivating paintings, and the delicate beauty of lattice windows and turrets.

Throughout the year, the temple comes alive with the devoted footsteps of worshippers, especially during auspicious occasions and festivals such as Ram Navami, Vivah Panchami, Dashain, Deepavali, and Holi. It’s a sight to behold as pilgrims from Nepal, Sri Lanka, and India gather to pay homage to the Goddess, who personifies courage, purity, selflessness, dedication, loyalty, and all the virtues embodied by the feminine spirit.

A visit to the Janaki Temple is more than just a journey through ancient history; it’s a profound spiritual experience that connects you with the eternal essence of divinity. The ambiance of devotion and the tangible sense of faith in the air are bound to leave a lasting impression on anyone seeking to delve into the legend of Ramayana.

So, whether you are a spiritual seeker, a history enthusiast, or simply someone in search of beauty and tranquility, the Janaki Mandir stands as an unmissable destination that promises to touch your soul and leave you with a renewed sense of reverence for the divine. Step into the sacred realm of Janaki Temple and be captivated by the grace and blessings of Goddess Sita.

History of Janaki Temple

The magnificent Nau Lakha Mandir, a splendid masterpiece and an embodiment of rich history and spirituality. Commissioned in 1910 A.D by the esteemed Queen Vrisha Bhanu of Tikamgarh, this awe-inspiring temple is also known by the name “Nau Lakha,” signifying the staggering 900,000 Rupees invested in its construction.

Beyond its opulent façade, Nau Lakha Mandir holds a deep connection to the revered poet and saint, Sanyasi Shurkishordas, who is revered as the founder of Janakpur. His profound wisdom and teachings, rooted in the sacred Sita Upashinad, have inspired countless souls, enriching their lives with spiritual enlightenment.

Steeped in legend and faith, the temple’s history takes us back to the year 1657 when Sanyasi Shurkishordas unearthed a precious golden statue of Goddess Sita at this very site. This discovery further nurtured the belief that this hallowed ground was once graced by the divine presence of Goddess Sita herself, making it a cherished location where she is believed to have resided until her marriage.

As you step foot into Nau Lakha Mandir, you’ll be captivated by the palpable sense of sanctity and the aura of centuries-old devotion that permeates the air. The temple’s architectural splendor is a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of its time, while the intertwining legends and spiritual significance infuse it with a unique sense of reverence.

Within the temple’s sacred walls, one can almost feel the echoes of history whispering stories of bygone eras. It is a place where culture, spirituality, and artistry converge, inviting visitors to embark on a profound journey of introspection and connection with the divine.

Today, Nau Lakha Mandir stands as not just a physical structure but a living embodiment of faith and devotion. It continues to draw pilgrims and enthusiasts from far and wide, seeking solace, blessings, and a chance to immerse themselves in the legacy left behind by Queen Vrisha Bhanu, Sanyasi Shurkishordas, and the eternal spirit of Goddess Sita.

Visiting Nau Lakha Mandir is a transformative experience that transcends time and space. It offers a glimpse into the spiritual heritage of the region, providing visitors with an opportunity to reconnect with their inner selves and discover the timeless beauty of devotion.

Step into the enchanting realm of Nau Lakha Mandir, where every step carries you deeper into the heart of history, spirituality, and the profound wisdom that resonates within these sacred walls. Allow yourself to be captivated by the splendor, serenity, and everlasting significance of this divine sanctuary, and leave with a renewed sense of awe and reverence for the eternal spirit that continues to grace this sacred place.


The awe-inspiring grandeur of the temple, where a mesmerizing sight awaits as you approach—an enchanting white palace-like structure adorned with domes, pillars, and verandas. The sheer magnificence of the exterior leaves you captivated, offering a glimpse of the splendor that lies within. Take a moment to savor the external beauty; it’s an experience worth cherishing.

The majestic temple stands as a breathtaking fusion of Hindu, Mughal, and Koiri architectural styles, a true masterpiece crafted entirely from pristine white marble. Encompassing over 4800 square feet, it occupies an impressive space, radiating a sense of sacredness and grandeur.

As you step through the central 30-meter high arched gate on the ground floor, a sense of reverence fills the air. A serene courtyard welcomes you, with the sanctum sanctorum at its heart, housing the grand idol of the revered Goddess Sita. The temple complex comprises a total of 60 chambers, each adorned with intricate lattice windows, colorful stained glass, mesmerizing paintings, and exquisite carvings. Among these chambers lie smaller shrines, known as sannadhis, housing revered idols of King Janak, Queen Sunaina, Lord Rama, another statue of Goddess Sita, Lakshmana, and Urmila.

Immerse yourself in the sacred ambiance as you explore the sanctum sanctorum, the sannadhis, and the rooms. As you venture further, you will come across a collection of black stones placed behind the main shrine. These revered black stones, called Saligrams, hold a special significance as they were used by King Janaka for worship. Devotees consider them highly powerful, incorporating them into important rituals at home as a symbol of unwavering faith. The temple priests warmly welcome visitors to offer prayers to these sacred stones and generously share their profound knowledge about the Saligrams, the shrine, and the legendary tale of Ramayana.

Within the precincts of this divine sanctuary, time seems to stand still. The tranquility and spiritual energy enveloping the temple fill your heart with a sense of peace and awe. Each step you take unveils a rich tapestry of history, spirituality, and devotion, inviting you on a profound journey of connection with the divine.

Let yourself be enthralled by the enchanting aura of this sacred temple, where architectural brilliance meets profound spirituality. Here, the timeless legend of Ramayana comes alive, leaving an indelible impression on your soul. As you depart from this sacred haven, you carry with you a renewed sense of wonder, gratitude, and a connection to the eternal essence of Goddess Sita and the divine heritage she embodies.

Ram Temple Janakpur

Ram Mandir Janakpur janakpur Destinations to See and Things to Do in Janakpur

The timeless embrace of Ram Mandir, one of Janakpur’s oldest temples, built in the late 1700s by the revered Gorkhali General, Amar Singh Thapa. Stepping into this magnificent sanctuary, you are transported back in time to an era of rich history and spiritual heritage.

The architectural charm of Ram Mandir lies in its traditional pagoda-style design, a hallmark shared by other shrines in the region. Its unassuming yet captivating appearance adds to the temple’s allure, inviting both pilgrims and explorers alike to partake in its divine essence.

Throughout the year, devotees flock to Ram Mandir, but it comes alive with an ethereal aura during the sacred annual festivals of Ram Navami and Dashain, dedicated to Lord Rama. These joyous occasions infuse the temple with vibrant celebrations and heartfelt devotion, creating an atmosphere that resonates with the essence of faith.

For those who seek to immerse themselves in ancient cultures, Ram Mandir beckons as a fascinating attraction. Within its sacred walls, the stories of generations past echo, and a profound spiritual vibe envelopes visitors, nurturing a connection to something greater than oneself.

As you explore the temple’s hallowed halls, you can’t help but be captivated by the echoes of time and the spirit of devotion that lingers here. It’s a sanctuary where the past intertwines with the present, bridging the gap between history and the ever-relevant pursuit of spirituality.

Ram Mandir stands not just as a symbol of architectural brilliance but also as a living testament to the enduring legacy of Lord Rama. Every step within its precincts is an invitation to bask in the devotion that has flowed here for centuries.

Leaving the temple, you carry with you not only memories of its magnificence but also a sense of profound reverence and gratitude. Ram Mandir’s divine allure lingers in your heart, reminding you of the timeless beauty of ancient cultures and the everlasting significance of spiritual connections.

In the sanctuary of Ram Mandir, you find a space to pause, reflect, and embrace the spiritual essence that resides within each soul. Here, history, faith, and devotion converge, creating an experience that transcends time, leaving an indelible mark on those who have the privilege of venturing into its sacred realm.

Jaleshwar Mahadev Janakpur

Jaleshwar Mahadev janakpur Destinations to See and Things to Do in Janakpur

The quaint municipality of Jaleswar in Nepal, renowned for its sacred Jaleshwarnath Mahadev Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. This charming small-town shares its borders with Bihar, India, and holds a special place in the hearts of devotees from around the world. During the sacred months of Shravan (July and August), the temple becomes a magnetic center, drawing countless worshippers who come to pay their respects to Lord Shiva and his divine Consort, Parvati.

Beyond the spiritual allure of the Jaleshwarnath Temple, Jaleswar offers a delightful array of experiences for its visitors. Rich in history and culture, the town boasts historical sites, cultural attractions, serene parks, and inviting beaches, catering to every traveler’s interests.

Transport facilities within Jaleswar are efficient and comprehensive, centered around the Jaleshwarnath Temple, making it hassle-free for pilgrims and tourists to visit. Buses regularly connect to major cities like Kathmandu and Birgunj, ensuring smooth travel experiences for those seeking a deeper connection with divinity.

As you explore the town, you’ll find a delightful array of small eateries offering a taste of local flavors. A majority of these eateries cater to the vegetarian palette, keeping in line with the sacred atmosphere of this temple town.

Jaleswar offers a serene and immersive experience, allowing visitors to embark on a journey of spiritual discovery while enjoying the simple pleasures of life. The peaceful ambiance and devotion that pervade the town create an enchanting environment that leaves a lasting impact on all who come to its shores.

Whether you seek solace in the divine abode of Jaleshwarnath Mahadev or wish to explore the cultural treasures of the town, Jaleswar welcomes you with open arms, inviting you to be a part of its timeless tapestry of history and spirituality.

Ram Sita Vivah Temple

Inside view of Ram Sita Vivah Mandir janakpur Destinations to See and Things to Do in Janakpur

The sacred Ram Janaki Vivah Mandap, a revered site where the divine union of Lord Rama and Goddess Sita took place. This hallowed ground attracts thousands of pilgrims during the auspicious occasion of Vivah Panchami, which commemorates the sacred marriage of Sita and Ram. Celebrated on the fifth day of the Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of the moon) in November/December, this significant day holds profound spiritual significance for devotees worldwide.

Nestled in the southwest region of Janaki Mandir, the Ram Janaki Vivah Mandap stands as a breathtaking structure made entirely of marble. Resembling a regal palace, it boasts sturdy pillars, elegant arches, and stunning domes, which add to its majestic allure.

The highlight of the mandap lies at its center, where the legendary wedding ceremony of Ram and Sita is exquisitely depicted. Idols of the divine couple, Lord Rama and Goddess Sita, are seated on a raised pedestal, radiating grace and majesty. Alongside them, sages and their parents are beautifully placed on parallel pedestals, facing each other—a portrayal of the sacred gathering that witnessed the celestial union. Adorned in colorful attire, the idols transport devotees back in time, evoking the ambiance of an ancient royal celebration.

Visitors to the Ram Janaki Vivah Mandap have the privilege to offer their prayers and bask in the tranquil ambiance of this holy place. Amidst the serene surroundings, one can sit in profound silence, soaking in the spiritual vibe that permeates the temple.

For those intrigued by the epic union of Ram and Sita, this is a must-visit destination. The mandap provides a captivating glimpse into the divine love story that has inspired generations, offering a sense of spiritual connection and reverence for the timeless bond shared by the divine couple.

As you stand in the presence of this sacred site, you’ll feel a sense of awe and reverence for the sacred marriage that took place here. It is a place of divine grace and devotion, where the celestial union of Ram and Sita continues to inspire and uplift the souls of those who visit.

Ganga Sagar

Ganga Sagar Janakpur janakpur Destinations to See and Things to Do in Janakpur

The majestic Ganga Sagar Lake, a prominent and revered water body situated near the illustrious Janakmahal in Janakpur. This huge and famous lake holds immense spiritual significance and ranks among the most important pools in the region, alongside Dhanush Sagar.

Ganga Sagar Lake is regarded as sacred, attracting devotees and visitors seeking moments of tranquility and spiritual solace. Its serene waters and serene surroundings create a calming ambiance, making it an ideal spot for contemplation and introspection.

Adjacent to the lake stands the esteemed Ganga Sagar library, a cherished institution with a legacy spanning 70 years. Frequented by locals, this charming library offers a delightful haven for readers who come here to immerse themselves in newspapers and literature after a morning spent at the lake.

The combination of the holy lake and the cherished library forms a captivating experience, blending nature’s beauty with the wealth of knowledge and wisdom found in the pages of books. It’s a place where one can rejuvenate the soul, finding solace in the serenity of the waters and inspiration in the world of written words.

A visit to Ganga Sagar Lake and the neighboring Ganga Sagar library presents a unique opportunity to witness the essence of Janakpur’s rich cultural heritage and the devotion that lies at the heart of this historic city.

As you explore the shores of Ganga Sagar, let the tranquility of the lake and the wisdom of the library envelop you, leaving you with a profound sense of connection to the sacred heritage of Janakpur and a renewed appreciation for the beauty of nature and the treasures found in books.

Dhanush Sagar

Dhanush Sagar Janakpur janakpur Destinations to See and Things to Do in Janakpur

Dhanush Sagar, a sacred tank nestled near the famous Ram Mandir of Janakpur. As the largest ceremonial tank in the city, it holds great spiritual significance for devotees and visitors alike. The tranquil waters of Dhanush Sagar reflect the devotion that fills the air, creating an atmosphere of serenity and sanctity.

As you stroll along the perimeter of the tank, you’ll encounter several small shrines, each adorned with its own unique charm. These sacred shrines add to the spiritual ambiance of the place, inviting worshippers to offer their prayers and seek blessings.

The surroundings of Dhanush Sagar come alive with vendors offering vibrant flowers and ritual objects for puja, adding a splash of color and symbolism to the spiritual rituals performed by devotees. The melodic sounds of devotion and the scents of fragrant blooms infuse the air, creating an immersive experience that touches the soul.

One of the most sacred traditions associated with Dhanush Sagar is the act of taking a bath at the ghat. Devotees consider this ritual to be highly auspicious, a cleansing of both body and soul, and a gesture of devotion to the divine.

Visiting Dhanush Sagar offers a chance to immerse yourself in the timeless customs and spiritual practices of Janakpur. The tank’s serene beauty and the reverence it commands provide a gateway to a deeper understanding of the city’s rich cultural heritage and profound spirituality.

As you embark on this journey of devotion and discovery, let the tranquility of Dhanush Sagar envelop you, leaving you with a sense of inner peace and a newfound appreciation for the sacred rituals that have been cherished for generations.

Ratna Sagar Temple

Just a short 10-minute walk from Ramanada Chowk lies the enchanting Ratna Sagar Temple, a divine sanctuary dedicated to Lord Ram and Mother Sita. As you approach the temple, its majestic presence stands tall, embraced by a picturesque landscape that adds to its spiritual allure.

Within the sanctum of the Ratna Sagar Temple reside the revered idols of Lord Ram and Mother Sita, a divine sight that fills the hearts of worshippers with profound devotion and reverence. The temple serves as a serene abode, drawing pilgrims and visitors seeking solace and spiritual connection.

The temple’s beauty is further enhanced by the presence of the sacred pond, Ratna Sagar, located nearby. This pristine pond holds great significance for the people of Janakpur, revered as one of the city’s most sacred water bodies. It is a place of tranquility and devotion, where worshippers often come to seek blessings and cleanse their souls in its serene waters.

The Ratna Sagar Temple and the sacred pond form a harmonious union, creating a space of profound spirituality and natural beauty. Each step taken within this divine sanctuary transports visitors to a realm of inner peace and spiritual awakening.

As you bask in the ambiance of Ratna Sagar Temple and its surroundings, you’ll feel a sense of serenity that soothes the soul. It is a place where the sacred and the natural intertwine, leaving an indelible impression on all who have the privilege to venture here.

Embrace the divine essence of Ratna Sagar Temple and immerse yourself in the tranquil embrace of the sacred pond, Ratna Sagar. Let the profound spirituality of Janakpur envelop you, leaving you with cherished memories and a heart filled with reverence for the timeless devotion that resides within these hallowed grounds.