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Destinations to See in Dhangadhi

Dhangadhi City is a major and popular tourist destination in Far West Nepal. It’s a significant city in the region and is well-known for cricket throughout the country because it hosts the Dhangadhi Premier League (DPL).

The city’s main attractions for tourists include natural lakes and rivers, religious pilgrimage sites, and diverse cultural customs. Dhangadhi shares its borders with Uttar Pradesh, India in the south, Godawari and Gauriganga Municipality in the north, Kailali Rural Municipality in the east, and Kanchanpur District in the west.

Tourists visiting Dhangadhi shouldn’t miss the Jakhor Lake and Botanical Garden, the Dolphin in the Mohana River, as well as religious sites like Shivpuri Dham and Behada Baba Temple. These places are major attractions and represent the city’s identity. Visitors from both Nepal and India come to see these beautiful spots.

Dhangadhi is home to people from diverse ethnic backgrounds, including Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, and more. Despite their differences in ethnicity, language, caste, clothing, and food habits, they live together in harmony. Some communities have ancient tribal roots, while others have developed unique identities. The unity among the people is remarkable, and visitors can experience a variety of delicious foods served by different communities in Dhangadhi.

Major Attractions

There are many tourist attractions. These major attractions can be categorized into natural attractions, religious attractions, man-made attractions, and others. Among many tourist attractions, some of them can be summarized below;

Natural Attractions

Various natural lakes, rivers, jungles and wildlife can be categorised as natural attractions. The city is surrounded by ever-green rivers. The city area includes many God-gifted natural lakes and various species of birds fly and reside around them. Many aquatic and amphibious animals and plants around the rivers and lakes add beauty to the city. The city area covers many wildlife-rich jungles, these jungles can attract hundreds of tourists every month. Some of the lakes in the city can be memorised as follows;

Jakhor Lake and Botanical Garden in Dhangadhi

Jakhor Lake

Jakhor Lake and Botanical Garden are very popular and famous spots for tourists and picnickers in Dhangadhi. The lake is located in Dhangadhi’s sub-metropolitan city, specifically in Dewariya, which is ward number 7. It’s a fantastic place for people to gather, have picnics, and enjoy various activities. The botanical garden within the lake area is especially beautiful and mesmerizing for all visitors, as everyone loves being close to nature.

One of the most interesting things visitors can learn from the botanical garden is about various medicinal herbs that are protected there. The garden conserves a variety of herb species, with many of them being used for medicinal purposes. Being in this tranquil environment helps people find relief from the noise and pollution of urban life, and it rejuvenates them, giving them a boost of energy for their daily responsibilities.

Jakhor Lake is a favourite picnic spot for locals, and it also attracts thousands of students and teachers each year for educational trips and mental refreshments. The lake’s beauty is enhanced by a diverse range of aquatic and amphibious plants and animals. The area is a haven for colourful birds and butterflies, which adds to the serene and carefree atmosphere.

The local government has recognized the significance of Jakhor Lake and Botanical Garden and has initiated efforts to develop the area into a proper tourist destination. Plans include constructing tracks around the lake, building an inn near the temple, creating a children’s park, providing parking space, and even setting up a museum within the premises of the lake.

With these developments, Jakhor Lake and Botanical Garden are bound to become even more cherished and delightful places for people to connect with nature and enjoy their time in Dhangadhi.

Also, follow another destination in far west Nepal – Khaptad National Park

Religious Sites and Attractions

Dhangadhi is an ancient place of religious significance. The majority of the people follow Hinduism, so there are many Hindu temples. Some of the temples are summarised below;

Behada Baba Temple Dhangadhi

Behada Baba Temple

The Behada Baba temple holds a captivating aura among Hindu pilgrims from Nepal and various parts of India. This ancient and revered spiritual sanctuary is located in Dhangadhi sub-metropolitan ward no. 16 Rampur, approximately 15 kilometres away from the Central City. Surrounded by lush greenery in the heart of a jungle, the temple offers a serene and tranquil atmosphere.

Both religious devotees and curious visitors can easily reach the temple using public buses, auto-rickshaws, private cars, motorcycles, or bicycles from Dhangadhi’s main city. Along the way, they encounter two rivers, namely the Khutiya River and the sacred Shivganga River. Taking a dip in the holy waters of the Shivganga River is believed to wash away sins and grant spiritual salvation. The water from this river is also considered exceptionally pure and is often carried by visitors to offer to the gods inside the temple.

Within the temple grounds, there is a significant pool that holds its own spiritual importance, adding to the sanctity and charm of the place. This sacred site has become a place of devotion and wonder, drawing people from far and wide to experience its mystical allure.

Shivpuri Dham

Shivpuri Dham Dhangadhi Dhangadhi Destinations to See in Dhangadhi

Shivpuri Dham is a significant religious destination for tourists in Far West Nepal. It is situated in Dhangadhi sub-metropolitan ward no. 4, Uttarbehadi. The site holds immense spiritual importance and is also known for its breathtaking beauty and charm. Inside the enchanting jungle area, there stands a towering Shivling, reaching a height of 108 feet. This Shivling is believed to be the tallest of its kind in all of South Asia.

Shivpuri Dham is a treasured heritage of religious faith, featuring various sacred places including the 108 feet tall Jyotirlinga, the 100 Tulsi monastery, the 108 Gaumukhi stream, the Temple of Nepal Mother, the Temple of Suryanarayan, the Ganesh Temple, the Muktinath Temple, the Durga Temple, and the Ugratara Temple. Additionally, there are three pools named Shiv Pool, Vishnu Pool, and Khaptad Pool, each carrying its own significance.

To cater to religious activities such as weddings and other ceremonies, five tents have been set up within the premises. Visitors come here to experience spirituality, marvel at the beauty of the surroundings, and find solace in this serene and divine place.

Nearby destination – Shuklaphanta National Park

Dolphins and Birds Watching in Mohana River

Dolphin Dhangadhi Destinations to See in Dhangadhi
Symbolic Photograph

The Mohana River in Dhangadhi is a special place where you can find some of the most intelligent mammals, Dolphins. Dolphins are considered to be the second most intelligent creatures after humans. When the water level of the river rises, you can spot these amazing animals. However, Dolphins are currently an endangered species, meaning they are facing challenges to survive. It’s essential to protect and support their existence.

Located just two kilometres west of the main city, the Mohana River is a delightful spot for bird watchers. Many colourful bird species attract both local residents and visitors from other places. The river provides a suitable habitat for about 110 different native and migratory bird species, making it a paradise for bird lovers and nature enthusiasts alike.

Man-made Attractions

There are many man-made attractions. Some of them are Funpark City, Dhangadhi Park, Laxmi Narayan Temple and many more. Among them, Aircraft Museum has been established as a major tourist attraction.

Aircraft Museum Dhangadhi

Aircraft Museum

The Aircraft Museum in Dhangadhi is a significant and pioneering tourist destination, leaving a lasting impression on aviation enthusiasts and curious visitors alike. This exceptional museum was founded on 17th September 2014 by the esteemed former Nepalese pilot, Bed Upreti, and proudly holds the distinction of being Nepal’s first aircraft museum.

Housed within the confines of a decommissioned Fokker 100 aircraft, which was once operated by Cosmic Air until its closure, the museum offers a unique and immersive experience. The aircraft itself measures an impressive 35.53 meters in length, providing visitors with an authentic glimpse into the world of aviation.

Stepping inside the museum, visitors are greeted by a captivating display of approximately 200 miniature airliners and fighter jets. These meticulously crafted models showcase the evolution of aviation, from historic planes to contemporary marvels, allowing enthusiasts to appreciate the remarkable progress made in the industry.

Moreover, the Aircraft Museum delights its guests with awe-inspiring aerial photo galleries, offering stunning vistas of breathtaking landscapes and perspectives from above. To add to the excitement, a cockpit café awaits visitors, providing them with the opportunity to savour refreshments while enjoying the ambience of an authentic aircraft cockpit.

Currently, the aircraft museum has been moved to Mahendraganar.

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